Thursday 12 September 2013

Task 8- Final Proposal- Michael Cartledge and Harrison Marlow

Working Title


Channel of Broadcast

MTV, after the watershed (9:00PM), this is due to the fact that the game we are proposing will be rated as an 18, and people over the age of 18 are more likely to be watching television after the watershed.

Target Audience

Adults 18-49, any gender or ethnicity. Although the main characters in the game will be Caucasian males, there would be a number of people within the game representing the different ethnic groups and genders. Age wise; according to demographics, most gamers are 18-49, which fits with or age rating. Also, the in depth story we plan to have may resonate better with a more mature audience.


Our game trailers will be live action to represent the gritty, real world we are trying to create in the game. In an attempt to not spoil the story of ‘Malevolence’, we have decided that it would be best to not show much of the story at all, but instead introduce you to George Frost, the protagonist of the game, and what he has fallen to. The game is an Action/Adventure game with role playing elements, the same genre as the game Destiny by Bungie


The trailers will be narrative; trailer 1 will show a conversation that George is having with his friend Sam (a bartender who keeps his ear to the ground in an attempt to help George on his mission), the conversation will be Sam telling George about a man who has been in his bar that is a member of the mob family that George is hunting. This conversation will be edited with George going after the man that Sam is describing intercut with the conversation.

The second trailer will be a torture scene; we will see a man strapped to a chair, bloodied up, in pain, shouting for help. The camera will track around with many ambiguous shots of George. This will be intercut with images of Frost burying a body, flashing forward to the tortured man's fate.

The Pitch

We imagined that we were going to pitch our game idea to a company, here is the pitch that we would do:

When a man loses his family he has nothing to live for, and this is when he’s most dangerous, this is when a man will risk it all to get the payback he deserves, this is when a man becomes malevolent.
Malevolence is the story of George Frost, a man cast aside after being framed for the murder of his family. George was an average man, nothing out of the ordinary. A guy who lost his job and went to the wrong type of man for money, the type of man who you don’t get a second chances with, you miss a payment … you pay, you pay with something and Frost paid with his family and freedom.
After serving 7 years in the state penitentiary Frost used his cunning and his planning to finally break out, something that took him two years to successfully succeed in. When he is among the free in the outside world, there is only one thing he wants and that's the only drive he has, his only ambition is to take revenge on the man who had his family killed and cause him the same pain, by any means necessary.
 The game would be sandbox, meaning it is an open world of city and wilderness to explore, filled with random events and characters. Meeting these characters could trigger an event or mission, and even have a major effect on the story and even the overall outcome of the game and affect the game or even the play style of the character.
The main selling point of the game would be the choices the player makes, the game is all decision based and nothing is deliberate, the player has to make all of the choices from choosing what to wear to deciding whether someone deserves to die or not. Another key element to remember is the character George Frost was an ordinary man incarcerated for a crime that he didn't commit, making this a very unstable character both mentally and emotionally, he is haunted by the mistakes he made, he knows although he didn't kill them he knows that he is the reason that his family are dead.
George Frost wants to die, but he feels he doesn't feel he deserves the easy way out, he feels he has to seek revenge in the name of his family.
This is the story of George Frost and his … ‘Malevolence’.