Wednesday 26 June 2013

Task 3- Ideas- Michael Cartledge and Harrison Marlow

Music Video Ideas

Song: Song of the Century/21st Century Breakdown  – Green Day

Genre: Rock

The screen is black and we see the lights fade in to see a man in a suit walking on the podium and tap a microphone and starts to sing into the microphone as if he is giving a speech making the audience believe he is addressing many people allowing us to think he is someone of high power e.g. The President or Prime minister.

The screen dips into black (Playing the intro piano part from the song) the screen fades back in as we see the same man who gave the speech standing in the same place on stage without the podium instead there is an SM58 microphone holding a ‘Epiphone les Paul Junior’ we can also see a drummer and bassist on stage and a second guitarist walks on stage behind him. As soon as they are on stage the music kicks off with the first strikes of the song. The music video would show the main guy’s life as he meets the rest of the band, there would be transitions from a performance based video to a story as the camera would fade in and out of his life and the performance.

The main premises of the story would be the difficulties in growing up in a 21st Century society that’s full of war and crime and the knowing that no matter how much you would like to change the world there’s no way it can be done, it is also blaming politicians for crime and war and saying that it could be a way for the government to profit off the lives of people they are ruining or even the lives they are letting go to waste by sending them off to war.

The video would go through all of the members of the band as they grew up showing how one thing one law set by the government can ruin all of their lives in the same way, it would show them meeting up at a relatively young age and how they in fact end up running for office so they can present their song to the people of the world.

The video could also focus on the performing aspect which wouldn’t all be on stage it would in fact be shot in different locations decollate and decrepit areas that look like they could be hit with financial struggle, wherever they all go they would all show clear examples of what is the 21st Century Breakdown.

The song would end with them all onstage and as the camera dips to black with the piano outro the band would leave so at the end of the song a spotlight would focus on the lead man without the guitar wearing the suit back at the podium (which could be a twist he may not be important instead he could be in a court presenting his case to a judge if this is the case the last thing we would see in the music video would be the judges hammer hitting the table as the judge sends him away for however long.)

Song: Haley- Needtobreathe

Genre: Rock

A young boy and a girl (about 14/15) are shown happy at the start in the sun which then suddenly cuts to the boy breaking up with the girl in the rain (or so it seems), pathetic fallacy shows the mood. The boy is played by the lead singer, we see the girl breaking down and looking at pictures of him, flashbacks are shown with a sepia, old fashioned camera filter. Years are shown to pass with the girl getting older but not any happier and the boy going about his day to day life, he sees the girl in the middle of the time passing with a look of sadness on his face. We now see the boy and girl as young adults (about 19/20) and the girl is about to leave home to go to university, she sees the boy in a crowd and begins to walk towards him to clear things up before he leaves but the crowd conceal him and then he is gone.
We cut to the girl saying goodbye to her parents from the car which she drives away and then unpacking at university. As the girl is walking down a corridor she bumps into someone and they drop the books they were holding, as the girl crouches down to help them with their things there would be a close up of the books and then the camera would pan up to reveal that it is the boy she as been in love with for years.
Everything then goes back in reverse at high speed to the breaking up point but this time it is shown that the girl actually broke up with the boy and then short snippets of the boy going through everything that the girl did to reveal that they both regret ending it with each other up to the point where they are both crouched on the floor starring into each other's eyes, shocked. Fade to black with the song, implied happily ever after.
The whole video would be intercut with the band performing the song in the boys room and on a field.

Documentary Ideas


A Documentary about video game nerds and developers showing how video games are made and how people live who are considered stereotypical video game nerd and interviews with people in the street saying how they have no life and no friends although they live in a fantasy world with millions of other people all over the world all who literally have 1000's of lives, the documentary would also show how they live their everyday lives and how some people have made a career from playing video games becoming developers, professional players and even YouTube partners.

Short Film Ideas


A phone rings we see someone answer it, we don't see his face, just his hand and cut to an over the shoulder shot of him talking to someone over the phone we hear him say "Alright it'll be done" and he hangs up, the camera pans round revealing the man from a medium shot we see his face. He then goes into another room where he opens a cupboard revealing a safe and through a few match on actions we see him take a hand gun out of the safe and a magazine, we then see him load and cock the gun. we see him leaving the house he's living in and we see him getting into a car and driving off. 

We see our man pull up somewhere and get out of his car, we see him looking at the target walking away, he shouts for the Hit to stop. Upon hearing this command the target bolts down a back alley where he is being pursued and lead to a dead end by our assassin, the assassin starts to walk rather than run knowing he has lead the Hit down to a dead end.   

We see him walking through some back allies and go to a crane shot as we see a man in the distance, he appears to just be staring at a wall almost knowing he is at a dead end, that he seems to be willing to give up and let his pursuer kill him. 

The assassin raises his gun and pulls down the hammer for effect and states to his target simply "It's Over" the target turns around revealing that it is in fact the assassin and upon closer inspection we can see they are even wearing the same clothes, stunned the assassin drops his guard down giving the target enough time to draw a weapon and fire a shot at the chest of the assassin. The assassin drops to the ground with blood clearly starting to flow from him, with a dazed and terrified face as he starts bleeding out and dying. The target walks over to the assassin and looks at him with a stern face and states "This has been the face of death for many, many people and now it's your turn to know the fear of seeing your face" the assassin lets out a single tear as he says "Who are you?" 

The Target simply replies with "Isn't it obvious I'm the same person as you, I'm the angel of death." we see the assassin lay there and let out a smile just before he passes away, We then see the target pull out the same phone as the assassin from his pocket call a number and says, "The service you required has been completed". Finally we'd go to a birds eye view shot of the target walking out of the alley and away from the body. 

Set Alight

My short film would not have any dialogue, it would show the story of a sad man who walks around with an unlit candle, at first it would not be clear as to why he is holding an unlit candle but he would see couples walking around holding lit candles, the flame representing that they are together. Men would hold the candle while women would hold a lit match. He would see people in restaurants having their candles lit.
He then begins a series of dates with women who attempt to light his candle but the candles just doesn't catch fire until he gives up, depressed. Until one day he is in a laundrette and a woman falls into him, after he catches her it zooms out and we realise that the woman has accidentally lit the man's candle, insinuating that they have found one another and will now be together.
Music will play to match the man's mood, slow music when he is sad, music in a major key when he is happy.

Inspiration for this came from:

The short film 'Struck' by TXL Films

The song 'All the Little Lights' by Passenger

Video Game Ideas


Malevolence is a game about revenge. After his family are murdered by vicious Mafia Don, George Frost is framed for the murder and is put straight in jail where he is released after a long life changing 10 years (released for lack of evidence and good behaviour) although a peaceful average Joe kind of guy George Frost is forced to leave his simple and peaceful life behind as all he has thought about for 10 years was discovering his families lifeless bodies lying on  the ground, after all of this time there is only one thing Frost is looking for and that’s his Malevolence and his retribution for something that was taken from him.
Malevolence would combine elements of an action game (e.g. Max Payne) and a free roam RPG (Fallout) this is because Frost wouldn’t know where any of the mob family live so he has to find them, he has also never killed a man before this is a vital element of the game as you would play someone who struggles to take lives as he has never done it before, with each kill progressing as the game continues and develops a much more sinister story than expected.
Based off of the original dark revenge game ‘Max Payne’ and the movie ‘Law Abiding Citizen’ our main character lives in his own hell on Earth Possibly turning to alcohol and drugs, giving him abilities that he may not of been able to unlock before, such as Adrenalin the ability for Frost to slow time making his shots more accurate, although time would seem to be much slower its still in real time for anyone else.
The game would be a next generation release, for the PS4 making its graphics unsurpassed and beautiful creating real looking environments and character interaction, leaving the player able to make real life choices, how to complete a level, to sneak or go all guns blazing, what to wear, go in disguise etc.

Inspiration for this came from:

The game 'Max Payne' by Rockstar Games

The movie 'Law Abiding Citizen'

The comic book character 'The Punisher' by Marvel

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